Ike may have saved your life,but he is still a jerk!You should not spoil him because that only makes things worse,and when he wrote those letters, he was lying!We should know because we spy-um,we went to go visit him, and we saw the letters!When he said that he was going to be there for two months,he was over exaggerating.It was only three weeks,I think.Anyways, we hope that you understand that Ike is a horrible dog and he needs to go to jail.He will make our lives miserable.We state our case.
Julia Micaels
Julia Micaels is a famous songwriter.She and I have a lot in common,such as we both like to sing and dance,we are very short,and we both have blond hair.We are different in some ways though.To be honest,I will NEVER have a voice like hers!She is very pretty,and has penned tracks for other singers.She is my inspiration,and I listen to her songs every day.
One day,ill be a songwriter just like her!
Dueling Mandates In Yellowstone
Eliminate the lake trout entirely by destroying all fish life,then reintroduce the cutthrout.This would cost between 32 and 181 million.
I think that this would be the best idea because the cutthrout is prey to the lake trout,so if they were to not do anything about it,then there would be no more cutthrout left.This would make a huge difference in the food chain.Also,the people who like to fish in yellowstone lake would not be able to anymore.Bears,eagles,and otters would all starve and die.Then there wouldn’t be much more of yellowstone to enjoy.
Samual Adams
Adams was a founding father of the united states.
He was a polititian in colonial massachusetts.
A leader of American Revolution.
A political philosopher.
Samual Adams
John Adams cousin.
Official of Boston Town Meeting.
His Massachusetts Circular Letter.
Devised a Committee of Correspondence.
An American Revolutionary
Love Of Reading
Women in the Revolution
Emily Geiger was very brave and sneaky.One day, she volunteered to be the messenger of a very important letter.She had a very long mission,so she prepared ,got on her horse, and left.Emily rode all day while trying her best to stay out of sight from british soldiers.Emily spotted a house near and decided to spend the night there.In the morning she left. As she rode some british soldiers spotted her and took her with them.They decided that it would be proper if a woman searched Emily,so they set off looking for a woman.While Emily thought and thought of what to do,she got an idea.She read the note over and over again to memorize it and then proceeded to tear it up into small pieces.Emily swallowed the pieces one by one.She almost choked.As soon as she swallowed the last piece,the british soldiers came back to search her.Emily was clear and the british soldiers apoligized and let her leave.She then left and was able to deliver the message safely.
During the weekend I helped out a lot.My mom is always working hard to keep the house clean. She never can catch a break.So,I decided that I would help clean the house.I helped clean my room and my brothers.I swept the floor,and mopped,and more.And the whole time I cleaned, she slept.Im very happy that I let my mom get some rest!Around the afternoon,I played with my little brother.We painted his wooden toy truck and did some science! We also made a castle out of legos.It was fun!Im very happy that I helped my mom and my brother.
Midnight Ride
Mission was to warn everyone the regulars were coming and to warn Samuel Adams and John Handcock.
In Lexington and Concord,they were warning the people that the redcoats were coming.
Dawes and Prescott were a great help.They went to different locations to warn everyone.
Now,minutemen were the people who stay alert incase the regulars decide to start war .
It was on April 18,1775.
Getting to Concord was not easy, since some redcoats were roaming the streets.
How the redcoats were coming was by sea.
The signal was “one if by land,two if by sea.
Riders were,Paul Revere,William Dawes,and Samuel Prescott.
In the story the British are called the regulars or the redcoats.
During the ride,the riders said”wake up, the regulars are coming”!
Each location was Lexington and Concord.
Colonial Glassmaker
Blowing glass is hard work.I have to melt the glass ,blow it,and shape it.most of the time I have to start over.Blowing glass can be fun!Though,you have to be skilled.You can make all types of things!I get to use all types of tools,like a crucible!A crucible is used to mix all the cemicals and sand to make the glass.I only work seven months a year, so I can rest my lungs and heart.My favorite part about my job is blowing glass bubbles,they can be small,medium,and big.When I make vases, I have to heat it back up a couple of times because the glass doesn’t stay hot for long.Im very glad to be a glassmaker,its a very good job!
Colonial Leaders
Who is James Oglethorpe
Founded the colony of Georgia in America in 1733.
Left for America on the ship Ann and settled near the present site of Savannah,Georgia.
Made two unsuccessful attempts to conquer st. Augustine in 1740 and 1743.
Returned to london in 1743 and rose steadily through the ranks of the British Army.
Led a command in the Jacobite Rising of 1745, but did not distinguish himself either in battle or as a commander.
Was a British general.
Was given a charter for the new colony,Georgia.
Returned to England to lobby for money to build and raise forts to defend Georgia.
Suggested to the king that a new colony be established between South Carolina and Spanish Florida
Wanted the Georgia colony to be different,he didn’t want the colony to be dominated by large wealthy plantation owners.
That is James Oglethorpe.